DavUtils documentation



List resources:

dav list <url>

Download resource:

dav get <url>

Download all resources from a collection:

dav get -R <url>

Upload a file:

dav put <url> <file>

Upload all files from a directory:

dav put -R <url> <dir>

Duplicate a resource or a collection on a server:

dav copy <src-url> <dst-url>

There is also a move operation similar to copy:

dav move <src-url> <dst-url>

These are the most common commands. There are also more commands, e.g. for webdav locking or manipulating webdav properties. See the left menu for a complete list.

Common options

-N disable any authentication prompt. If authentication is required, dav will abort.

-i disable TLS certificate verification

-v enable verbose output. Internally CURLOPT_VERBOSE is set to 1 and verbose output is printed to stderr.

Most commands have the -c and -p options for enabling or disabling encryption. If encryption is not configured for a repository, but the -c option is specified, encryption/decryption is enabled. When enabled, all commands handle encrypted resource names. The -p options disables any encryption/decryption. See encryption for details.


Some commands have alternate names. For example dav ls is an alias for dav list. The available aliases can be found in the documentation for the respective commands.